Lottery Ticket Checker
How To Check Winning Numbers:
The lottery ticket checker is used to check the numbers you played against the winning numbers.
We always recommend that you check your lottery tickets for winners manually after using the ticket checker. We don't expect problems, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Enter numbers with a space in-between - like this: 1 2 10 12 20
You can enter (type or paste) up to 50 number combinations to check. Please enter one number combination per-line. Do not include bonus numbers in either form field. Bonus numbers have to be checked manually. Good Luck!
Lottery number generators are a quick and easy way to pick numbers to play in a lottery game. However, the average quick pick generator will only generate a fraction of the possible number combinations for a particular game.
If you would like every possible number combination for your lottery game Click Here.
*DISCLAIMER: The results produced by the lottery ticket checker tool are assumed accurate but not guaranteed. Use at your own risk. The lottery ticket checker is not a substitute for manually checking your lottery tickets for matching numbers.